Effects of gestational T excess and postnatal intervention with an androgen antagonist (F) or an insulin sensitizer (R) on the protein expression of LHβ and key regulators of LH synthesis/secretion in the pituitary from female sheep. Representative Western blottings and mean (±SEM) protein level ratio of LHβ to GAPDH (A), GnRH-R to GAPDH (B), AR to GAPDH (C), ERα to GAPDH (D), IRβ to GAPDH (E), and PTEN to GAPDH (F) in the anterior pituitary from females treated with prenatal vehicle (C, n = 8), prenatal T (T, n = 10), prenatal T plus postnatal F (T+F, n = 9), or prenatal T plus postnatal R (T+R, n = 9). Means with different superscripts are significantly (P < .05) different.