Figure 5. Transcription of p922 and expression of Hha and TomB after gentamicin treatment.
(a) GFP reporter assay: Wild type S. Typhimurium harbouring p922 GFP construct was grown overnight, subcultured for 2 h and treated with gentamicin. 1 ml of culture was withdrawn at indicated time points and analysed on flow cytometer for level of GFP expression. (b,c) Immunostaining: Overnight bacterial cells were subcultured for 2 h and treated with gentamicin (100 μg/ml). 1 ml of culture was withdrawn at indicated time points and immunostaining was performed with FITC-conjugated secondary antibody. Fluorescence was measured by flow cytometry. Pink (Filled): 0 min, Blue: 10 min, Orange: 20 min, Green: 30 min, Black: 60 min.