Fig. 4.
Kinetics of neuron, OL, and OPC loss in the presence of NMO rAb #53-mediated astrocyte injury. a Fluorescence (left) and phase contrast IncuCyte (right) images of neuroglial mixed culture treated with rAb #53 plus 5% HC in the presence of DRAQ7 (PLP-eGFP oligodendrocytes [green] and DRAQ7 dead cells [red]). Arrows: neurons. Arrow heads: astrocytes. Circled area: focal region of astrocyte depletion. b, c, d, and e Quantitation of the percentage of DRAQ7+ AST (b), neuron (c), OL (d), and OPC (e) in the mixed cultures. Cells were identified as described in the Methods. Statistical analyses were performed by multiple unpaired Student’s t test. **p < 0.01, n > 3. Scale bars 50 μm