Table 1.
Factor Loadings on the General Factor (Pooled Sample) for Facebook Intrusion Questionnaire.
Items | Loadings |
4. I interrupt whatever else I am doing when I feel the need to access Facebook (conflict with other activities) | 0.79 |
1. I often think about Facebook when I am not using it (cognitive salience) | 0.78 |
7. The thought of not being able to access Facebook makes me feel distressed (withdrawal) | 0.77 |
8. I have been unable to reduce my Facebook use (relapse and reinstatement) | 0.77 |
6. I lose track of how much I am using Facebook (loss of control) | 0.68 |
5. I feel connected to others when I use Facebook (euphoria) | 0.66 |
3. Arguments have arisen with others because of my Facebook use (interpersonal conflict) | 0.64 |
2. I often use Facebook for no particular reason (behavioral salience) | 0.50 |