Box-and-whisker plots showing choroidal thickness in subjects with hypertension (HT), chronic kidney disease (CKD), and healthy volunteers (HV) across 3 locations on the macula: I = 2 mm nasal to the fovea, II = subfoveal, III = 2 mm temporal to the fovea. At each of these 3 locations, ***P < 0.001 for CKD vs. healthy and for CKD vs. hypertensive subjects. The box-and-whisker plots display the first and third quartiles, with the line within the box representing the median value. The whiskers denote the minimum and maximum values. Thicknesses were examined by 2-way ANOVA, comparing thicknesses between all 3 patient groups at each macular location using Tukey correction for multiple comparisons. n = 50 subjects per group.