Fig. 6. Complex reassociation in hierarchical confinement zones.
(A) Spatial organization of confinement zones used for the model. Thin and bold lines correspond to hopping probabilities pMSK and pSC, respectively. Inset is a magnification of the region highlighted by the rectangle. (B) Comparison of apparent complex stability obtained by simulations with experimentally observed lifetimes plotted as exponential decay curves [LB, molecular kinetics determined with artificial membranes in vitro; PM, complex lifetimes observed in the PM; PM-td, complex stability considering transient dissociation of dimers above a 200-nm intersubunit distance threshold chosen on the basis of the experimentally observed intersubunit distance distribution (Fig. 5F)]. (C) Role of association kinetics and hopping probability pMSK for stabilizing complexes, as measured by their lifetime (with respect to our selected metric).