(A) SEC traces obtained for PM, PPI(-RhB)-OH, and PCL(-RhB)-ClPd(PEt3)2 polymers, using THF as eluent. (B) 1H and (C) 31P NMR spectra obtained for the PM diblock copolymers. (D) AFM image obtained for PM copolymers dried from THF solution, inserted image showed the magnified photo for the helical fibers. (E) DLS spectra obtained for PM, PPI(-RhB)-OH, and PCL(-RhB)-ClPd(PEt3)2 polymers in THF or in water. (F) TEM image observed for PM dried from aqueous dispersion. (G) Absorption spectra recorded for PM, IM, CM, and ICM in water. (H) Fluorescent emission spectrum record for an aqueous dispersion of ICM (excitation = 790 nm). (I) TEM image observed for ICM dried from the aqueous dispersion.