Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorders—Magnetic Resonance Imaging features and systemic autoimmunity
Associated MRI and Autoimmune Features of NMOSD |
Optic nerve MRI |
Increased T2 signal (standard T2 or STIR sequences) or T1 gadolinium enhancement of one or both optic nerves (Fig. 1C) |
Additional characteristic features |
Lesions are typically long (encompassing more than half of the optic nerve) or involve multiple regions of the nerve |
Lesions typically involve the posterior, intracranial portion of the optic nerve and optic chiasm (Fig. 1D) |
Spinal cord MRI |
Longitudinally extensive lesion demonstrating increased T2 signal (standard T2, proton density, or STIR sequences) involving 3 or more contiguous vertebral segments (Fig. 1A) |
Central cord predominance (>70% of the lesion residing within the central gray matter) (Fig. 1B) |
Postcontrast enhancement of the lesion on T1 sequences (Fig. 1B′) |
Additional characteristic features |
Rostral extension into brainstem (Fig. 1A) |
Cord edema |
Cord atrophy may be observed in cases with long-standing injury |
Cerebral MRI lesions |
Large, confluent subcortical or deep white matter lesions (Fig. 1I, J) |
Long diffuse or edematous corpus callosum lesions (typically involving half the length of the corpus callosum) |
Diencephalic MRI Lesions |
Thalamic (Fig. 1J) |
Hypothalamic lesions (Fig. 1H) |
Periependymal lesions around the third ventricle |
Brainstem MRI lesions |
Lesions of the dorsal medulla (area postrema) (Fig. 1E) |
Additional characteristic features |
Unilateral or bilateral lesions (Fig. 1F) |
Often contiguous with an upper cervical spinal cord lesion (Fig. 1A) |
Periependymal lesions around the fourth ventricle (Fig. 1G) |
Extensive postcontrast enhancing periependymal brain lesions |
Long corticospinal tract lesions involving internal capsule and cerebral peduncle |
Associated systemic autoimmunity (1,17) |
Antinuclear autoantibodies |
Neural autoantibodies (anti-GAD, anti-CRMP5, anti-Ro, anti-VGC, anti-AchR) |
Autoimmune disorders: thyroiditis, Sjogren disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, myasthenia gravis |
AchR, acetylcholine receptor; CRMP5, collapsin response-mediator protein 5; GAD, glutamic acid decarboxylase; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NMOSD, neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder; STIR, short tau inversion recovery; VGC, voltage-gated channel.