Fig. 6.
Apparent weight-average molecular weight (M w,app) of the CD2 and CD48 proteins and of the CD2–CD48 heterodimer as determined using sedimentation equilibrium × CD2, ● CD48 and O the CD2–CD48 heterodimer. Non-linear least-square fits to data for CD2 (dotted line) and CD48 (dashed line). Continuous line Predicted regression for a value of 2BM (from COVOL) of 10.4 ml/g. Dotted–dashed line Fit to CD2–CD48 heterodimer data. Using the COVOL value of 2BM = 10.4 ml/g, a value for the dissociation constant Kd ∼ (1.0 ± 0.3) × 10−4 M is obtained, a weak interaction. Figure is from Silkowski et al. (1997), with kind permission of the European Biophysics Journal (Springer Science + Business Media)