Fig. 1.
Variance in disease activity change explained by GRS calculated based on polygenic models in overall RA. x axis, p-value thresholds of SNPs included to calculate a genetic risk score. y axis, R 2 values calculated from the polygenic model. Eight different clinical measures are examined: ∆CRP, ∆DAS28, ∆HAQ, ∆TJC, ∆VAS-global, ∆VAS-pain, ∆ESR, ∆SJC. Dots map the R 2 value calculated from the polygenic model, modeling clinical measures as outcomes and the corresponding genetic risk score as the independent variable. DAS28 disease activity score 28, CRP C-reactive protein, ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate, SJC swollen joint count, TJC tender joint count, VAS visual analog scale, HAQ Health Assessment Questionnaire