Fig. 5.
Nup93 depletion alters the occupancy of histone marks on HOXA1 promoter. a Pictorial representation of the HOXA1 promoter and regions within the HOXA1 gene (Region 1–Region 3). Left (light gray) promoter of HOXA1 gene, double arrowheads: overlapping primer positions on HOXA1 promoter. Right (dark gray) regions within HOXA1 gene, double arrowheads: ChIP-qPCR primer positions within HOXA1 gene (Region 1–Region 3). b, c ChIP experiments were performed using antibodies specific to (b) H3K9ac, (c) H3K27me3 and IgG in untreated, siNeg and Nup93 knockdown cells (IgG is below detection limit <0.2% of input in ‘b–d’, re-plotted in Additional file 2: Fig. S2h–j), d, e GAPDH promoter and GLCCI1 promoter were used as positive and negative controls, respectively. Y-axis: immunoprecipitated DNA is relative to 1% input, corrected for ChIP using non-specific IgG (data from two independent biological replicates that include a total of six technical replicates), error bars: SEM. f Representative Western blot of untreated, siNeg and Nup93 Kd cells showing that total levels of H3K9ac and H3K27me3 are unaltered. PanH3 and Tubulin were used as loading controls (data from a single experiment). g Elongation mark (H3K36me3) shows increased occupancy on the HOXA1 gene (Region 1, Region 2 and Region 3), data from two independent biological replicates that include a total of six technical replicates, error bars: SEM, Nup93 knockdown alters occupancy of histone marks on HOXA1 promoter