Figure 2. Images of resting and motion scans with and without PROMO.
(A,F) Axial and sagittal images of a resting scan without PROMO. (B,G) Axial and sagittal images of a resting scan with PROMO. (C,D) Axial images of “side to side” motion scans with PROMO rated as adequate and inadequate. (E) An axial image of a “side to side” motion scan without PROMO. (H,I) Sagittal images of “nodding” motion scans with PROMO rated as adequate and inadequate. (G) A sagittal image of a “nodding” motion scan without PROMO. The overall image quality of the motion scans with PROMO rated as adequate (C,H) was equivalent to that of the resting scan without PROMO (A,F). Although motion artefacts can be seen in the “side to side” and “nodding” motion scans with PROMO rated as inadequate (D,I) (arrowhead), motion artefacts were reduced, as compared to the motion scans without PROMO (E,J). A motion artefact in the neck region (arrow) can be seen on a “nodding” motion scan with PROMO rated as adequate (H) because the imaging volume updates used by PROMO only accounted for rigid-body motion and the neck was not moving as a rigid body.