Fig. 2.
M-EGG recording. (A) The typical M-EGG waves recordings obtained from Channels 1–4 in a healthy volunteer. The slow wave is displayed to the left of the screen. Running spectrum analysis is displayed to the right of the screen. Running spectrum analysis shows many slow waves are 3 cycles per minute (cpm). (From Murakami et al. J Smooth Muscle Res. 2011; 15: J-37–J-44 (65). Reproduced by copyright permission of Japan Society of Smooth Muscle Research). (B) Equipment for M-EGG recording and analysis. (C) Cutaneous placement of multiple channels: Channel 3 was placed midway between the xiphoid process and the umbilicus; Channel 4 was placed 4 cm horizontal to Channel 3; Channels 2 and 1 were placed 45° to the upper left of Channel 3 at distances of 4 cm and 6 cm. The ground electrode was placed on the left costal margin horizontal to Channel 3. The reference electrode was placed on the xiphoid process. G: ground electrode; R: reference electrode.