Fig. 1.
Relative number of survivors in life-span study (LSS) cohort for unmodified and unweighted dose. (A) DS86 dose system. (a) DS86 ‘In-Air’ tissue kerma. The original data were taken from Table II of Pierce et al. [11]. (b) DS86 shielded kerma. The distribution of survivors was calculated from the RERF ‘DS02can’ database. (B) DS02 colon dose. The distribution of survivors was calculated from the RERF ‘lssinc07’ database. (a) Surviving probability plotted against unmodified colon dose (coluDS02w1). (b) Surviving probability plotted against modified colon dose (colaDS02w1), in which unreasonably high are truncated to 4 Gy and the doses were adjusted by dose- and city-specific adjustment factors. Solid symbols = Hiroshima, open symbols = Nagasaki.