Fig. 3.
Scanning electron microscope images of Ler, hen1-1, hua1-1 hua2-1, hua1-1 hua2-1 hen1-1 and hua1-1 hua2-1 hen1-2 flowers and/or floral organs. (A–C) The adaxial surface of the third whorl organs from (A) hua1-1 hua2-1, (B) hua1-1 hua2-1 hen1-1 and (C) hua1-1 hua2-1 hen1-2 flowers. Petal-type cells are found in the third whorl organs in the two triple mutants (B,C). (D) The top portion of a Ler ovary, showing valve cells that lack cuticular thickenings. (E,F) The tip (E) and the bottom (F) of a hua1-1 hua2-1 ovary. Some valve cells at the tip of the ovary exhibit cuticular striations that mimic sepal cells (E). The bottom of the hua1-1 hua2-1 ovary is similar to that in Ler in terms of cell surface characteristics. (G,H) The bottom portion of ovaries from (G) a hua1-1 hua2-1 hen1-1 and (H) a hua1-1 hua2-1 hen1-2 flower. The cells resemble sepal cells. (I,J) Top portions of the ovaries from (I) a hua1-1 hen1-1 and (J) a hua2-1 hen1-1 flower. The cells appear wild type. (K,L) Stage 7–8 flowers of (K) hua1-1 hua2-1 and (L) hua1-1 hua2-1 hen1-1 genotypes, with sepals dissected to reveal the third whorl organs (arrows) that differ in shapes. Scale bars, 10 µm except in K and L (100 µm).