Different inhibitiory effect of antibiotics and KF-rPAc immunized serum in S. mutans proliferation and biofilm formation. 100 µl BHI diluted S. mutans were mixed with 100 µl 20-fold BHI diluted mice serum, 5-fold BHI diluted mice saliva, BHI diluted ampicillin or BHI alone and incubated into the wells of 96-well cell culture cluster. For bacteria proliferation quantification, the media in the well were re-suspended with pipette, assessed by measuring the absorbance of suspension at 600 nm. The biofilm formation was quantified by measuring the extracted crystal violet stained to plate adherent bacteria and derivatives at 570 nm. (A and B), Effects of Ampicillin on S. mutans proliferation and biofilm formation. (C and D), Effects of KF-rPAc minimized mice serum on S. mutans proliferation and biofilm formation. Data are represented as mean ± SE for triplicates of one representative experiment.