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. 2016 Nov 11;113(48):13726–13731. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1610626113

Table S1.

Crystallographic data collection, refinement, and structure validation statistics

AurA/N-Myc complex
Lattice parameters
 Space group P32 2 1
 Cell dimensions
  a, b, c, Å 86.52, 86.52, 92.21
  α, β, γ, degrees 90.00, 90.00, 120.00
Data collection
 Resolution range, Å 74.93–1.72 (1.76–1.72)*
 Rmerge, % 6.3 (74.3)*
 II 19.8 (3.4)*
 Completeness, % 100 (100)*
 Redundancy 9.7 (9.7)*
 Resolution, Å 74.3–1.72
 No. reflections 42,820
 Rwork/Rfree 17.62/19.51
 No. atoms
  Protein 2,362
  ADP/Mg2+ 29
  Water 197
 Mean B-factors
  Protein 28.09
  ADP/Mg2+ 19.16
  Water 37.17
  Wilson B-factor 25.63
  Bond lengths, Å 0.005
  Bond angles, degrees 1.043
MolProbity analysis
 All-atom clash-score 2.34
 Rotamers outliers, % 0
 Ramachandran outliers, % 0
 Ramachandran favored, % 97.25
 MolProbity score 1.15

Values in parentheses refer to the highest-resolution shell.