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. 2016 Nov 7;113(48):13803–13808. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1606378113

Table S4.

Results for all signal-of-quality models: fixed effects

Model no. Log Lik Fixed effects df Wald statistic P value N species N study N observations Notes
9 107.5 Intercept 1, 16.8 4.23 0.056 18 33 140 Full dataset
Brood size 1, 18.8 1.06 0.32
10 107.0 Intercept 1, 13.9 2.67 0.12
Brood size 1, 17.0 0.18 0.68
Predictability 1, 11.3 0.69 0.42
Quality 2, 133.0 7.61 0.00075
Predictability * Quality 2, 133.0 3.74 0.026
11 84.0 Intercept 1, 12.4 2.24 0.16 16 30 115 Excluding 2 species missing data on adult mortality or the broods possible each breeding season
Brood size 1, 14.7 0.88 0.36
No. of future broods possible 1, 10.1 0.11 0.75
12 86.3 Intercept 1, 10.5 1.83 0.20
Brood size 1, 12.1 0.38 0.55
No. of future broods possible 1, 11.4 0.21 0.66
Predictability 1, 9.6 0.03 0.88
Quality 2, 107.0 10.18 0.00009
13 75.0 Intercept 1, 5.2 0.78 0.42 10 20 80 Excluding 8 species missing data on adult mortality, the broods possible each breeding season, or mating system
Brood size 1, 5.7 0.00 0.97
No. of future broods possible 1, 4.3 0.24 0.65
Full vs. half siblings likelihood 1, 4.3 0.46 0.53
14 73.6 Intercept 1, 4.0 0.99 0.38
Brood size 1, 4.3 0.10 0.77
No. of future broods possible 1, 3.7 0.13 0.74
Full vs. half siblings likelihood 1, 3.4 0.06 0.82
Predictability 1, 3.6 0.16 0.72
Quality 1, 73.0 4.83 0.011

Mean results of 500 ASReml linear mixed models. Models controlled for phylogeny, repeated measures on studies, and species, and were weighted by study sample size (the number of broods used to calculate the original test statistic). Fixed effects in bold are significant at the P < 0.05 level and in italics at the P < 0.10 level. Models are grouped by the dataset used for analysis, and the notes column describes the loss in sample size due to missing life history data. Models did not converge when promiscuity was included as a fixed effect.