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. 2016 Nov 22;5:e19662. doi: 10.7554/eLife.19662

Figure 6. Extracellular actin-induced TotM expression requires Shark and Src42A in the fat body.

(a)TotM expression levels in flies that lack Shark ubiquitously (Tub-Gal80ts; Tub-Gal4 > UAS-Shark IR R2/Fr) or in control flies lacking a driver (w1118 > UAS-Shark IR R2/Fr), 24 hr after injection with either buffer or actin. Data are representative of three independent experiments with 5–10 flies/sample with duplicate samples. (b) Flies lacking Shark selectively in the fat body (c564-Gal80ts > UAS-Shark IR R2/Fr) or control flies lacking a driver (w1118 > UAS-Shark IR R2/Fr) were injected with either buffer or actin. Relative TotM levels 24 hr post injection are depicted. Data are representative of two independent experiments with 5–10 flies/sample and triplicate samples. (c) The relative TotM expression in a constitutive fat body driver line (r4-Gal4) crossed to control (w1118) or UAS-Shark IR (R2/R3), 24 hr after injection with actin. Data are representative of three independent experiments with 5–10 flies/sample and duplicate samples. (d) Relative TotM levels in flies lacking Src42A either ubiquitously (Tub-Gal80ts > UAS-Src42A IR) or selectively in the fat body (c564-Gal80ts > UAS-Src42A IR) compared to control flies lacking a driver (w1118 > UAS-Src42A IR), 24 hr after injection with either buffer or actin. Data are representative of three independent experiments with 5–10 flies/sample with duplicate samples. (e) Relative TotM levels in flies expressing a dominant negative version of Src42A ubiquitously (Tub-Gal80ts > UAS-Src42ADN), within the fat body (c564-Gal80ts > UAS-Src42ADN) or in the absence of a driver (w1118 > UAS-Src42ADN), 24 hr after injection with either buffer or actin. No driver control refers to Tub-Gal80ts; UAS-Src42ADN/TM6C.Sb1. No UAS control refers to c564-Gal4; Tub-Gal80ts/TM6C.Sb1. Data are representative of two independent experiments with 5–10 flies/sample with triplicate samples. (f) Relative TotM levels between untreated (-) fat body driver line crossed to constitutively active Src42A (c564-Gal80ts > UAS-Src42ACA); untreated control flies (c564-Gal80ts > w1118) and actin-injected control flies (c564-Gal80ts > w1118). Data are representative of three independent experiments with 5–10 flies/sample with triplicate samples. TotM relative levels were calculated using the housekeeping gene Rp49 as a reference gene. Bars represent mean ± SEM. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way (c, f) or two-way (a, b, d, e) ANOVA with Sidak’s multiple comparison test as post-test for pairwise comparisons. Results of Sidak’s multiple comparison test are shown (ns, not significant; *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001; ****p<0.0001). All data points are plotted even where no bars are visible.


Figure 6.

Figure 6—figure supplement 1. Extracellular actin-induced TotM expression is independent of Draper.

Figure 6—figure supplement 1.

(a) Control (w1118) fruit flies or Draper null mutants (drprΔ5) were injected with buffer or actin. The relative expression of TotM was measured 24 hr post injection. The data are representative of two independent experiments with 5–10 flies/sample and duplicate samples. (b, c) Draper was ectopically expressed in a deficient background, either by use of a heat shock driver (w; UAS-drpr/Hs-Gal4; drprΔ5) or two different fat body drivers (w; UAS-drpr/c564-Gal4; drprΔ5or w; UAS-drpr/FB-Gal4; drprΔ5). Relative TotM (b) or drpr (c) expression levels were measured 24 hr post actin injection and compared to a control line that lacked a driver (w; UAS-drpr/+; drprΔ5). The data are representative of three independent experiments with 5–10 flies/sample and duplicate samples. (d) The relative expression of TotM in flies in which draper was knocked down in the fat body (Tub-Gal80ts; c564-Gal4 > UAS-drpr IR), measured 24 hr post actin injection and compared to control flies (Tub-Gal80ts; c564-Gal4 > w1118). Data are representative of two independent experiments with 5–10 flies/sample and triplicate samples. TotM relative levels were calculated using the housekeeping gene Rp49 as a reference gene. Bars represent mean ± SEM. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way (b, c, d) or two-way (a) ANOVA with Sidak’s multiple comparison test as post-test for pairwise comparisons. Results of Sidak’s multiple comparison test are shown (ns, not significant; *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001; ****p<0.0001). All data points are plotted even where no bars are visible.