Figure 1.
Neuroanatomy of NgR123-null mice. A–D: Nissl-stained coronal brain sections from 12-week old wild type (A,C) and NgR123-null (B,D) mice at two different levels. Callosal agenesis was found in 16/16 NgR123-null and 0/10 wild type (WT) mice. Scale bar = 1 mm. E–F: NeuN immunostained caudal midline structures in a 12-week old wild type (E) and NgR123-null (F) mouse. CC, Corpus callosum; FC, Fasciola cinereum. Arrows highlight CC agenesis. Scale bar = 200 µm. G–N: CC agenesis and Probst bundle formation in NgR123-null mice. Coronal brain sections from 12-week old wild type (G,I,K,M) and NgR123-null (H,J,L,N) mice were stained with Eriochrome/Eosin (G–J) and Luxol Fast Blue (K–N). Insets are magnified images at the midline. Arrows indicate loss of the CC and arrowheads indicate Probst bundles. Scale bar is 1 mm for the larger image and 250 µm for the insets.