Figure 3. P2X2 (green) immunoreactivity and ChAT-GFP (magenta) within four representative nTS levels (r1, r1, i2, i4).
See supplemental Fig. 1 (S1) for P2X2/ChAT immunoreactivity across all nine nTS levels. For each nTS level, a pair of images is shown, Left: photographs of P2X2 (green), ChAT (magenta), and a Nissl background stain (cyan), with nTS boundaries indicated as white dotted lines; Right: computationally extracted chartings of the image for each pixel greater than 2 S.D. of background staining. r1: In rostral sections, P2X2 immunoreactive fibers (green) label the facial nerve root as it passes medially through the dorsal medulla, terminating within the dorsocentral subnucleus of the nTS (r1 & r3). At more caudal levels (i2 – i4), P2X2 immunoreactive fibers expand medially and ventrally to terminate within the medial two-thirds of the nTS. CHAT- GFP primarily labels brainstem motor nuclei and nerve roots throughout the medulla (including DMX, 12n).