Figure 6.
Broad-sense heritabilities for airborne thermography CT for each flight event and treatment in 2013 (A) and 2014 (B). (A) CT for each experimental plot was derived using M1: mean of all pixels (no pixels discarded). 24th October 2013 (grain-filling). (B) Comparison between airborne thermography pixel handling methods. 2nd October 2014 (anthesis). M1, mean of all pixels (no pixels discarded). M2, The mean of coolest 25th percentile remaining after discarding coolest 5th percentile, in order to extract plant CT only. M3, Designed to discard warm pixels from soil patches resulting from poor establishment or biomass sampling. Refer Section 2.4.2 for details on M1, M2, and M3. In Treatment 2, irrigation was supplied to achieve the equivalent of a decile eight rainfall (wettest 20% of years) for the site, while in Treatment 1, irrigation was supplied to achieve a water limitation close to the long-term climate median for the site. Generally, broad-sense heritability was high regardless of the pixel handling method used, except for early morning measurements on Treatment 1 in 2014.