Table 1.
Model parameters for simulation of the effects of NF on membrane currents and sarcoplasmic reticulum function
Parameter | Unit | Description | NT | NF |
gCaL | nS | Maximum conductance for ICaL | 31.000 | 29.512 |
Vh,act,CaL | mV | Half-activation voltage for ICaL | −15.3 | −17.1 |
kact,CaL | mV | Slope factor of activation for ICaL | 5.0 | 4.8 |
Vh,inact,CaL | mV | Half-inactivation voltage for ICaL | −26.7 | −27.4 |
SFtau,inact,CaL | – | Scaling factor for inactivation τ of ICaL | 1.00 | 1.04 |
gto | nS | Maximum conductance of Ito | 569.2575 | 512.3318 |
kNaCa | mM−4 | Scaling factor for INaCa | 9.984·10−3 | 9.584·10−3 |
ν1 | ms−1 | Maximum RyR (ryanodine) channel Ca2+ flux | 1.800 | 1.656 |
KSR | – | Scaling factor for Ca2+-ATPase | 1.00 | 0.92 |
mM−1 s−1 | Ca2+ on rate for troponin high-affinity sites | 200 | 20 | |
mM−1 s−1 | Ca2+ on rate for troponin low-affinity sites | 40 | 4 |
See glossary of Pandit’s model [17] for detailed explanation. All other model parameters are the same as those of endocardial myocyte in the Pandit’s model.