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. 2016 Oct 28;468(11):1995–2006. doi: 10.1007/s00424-016-1892-8

Table 1.

Model parameters for simulation of the effects of NF on membrane currents and sarcoplasmic reticulum function

Parameter Unit Description NT NF
gCaL nS Maximum conductance for ICaL 31.000 29.512
Vh,act,CaL mV Half-activation voltage for ICaL −15.3 −17.1
kact,CaL mV Slope factor of activation for ICaL 5.0 4.8
Vh,inact,CaL mV Half-inactivation voltage for ICaL −26.7 −27.4
SFtau,inact,CaL Scaling factor for inactivation τ of ICaL 1.00 1.04
gto nS Maximum conductance of Ito 569.2575 512.3318
kNaCa mM−4 Scaling factor for INaCa 9.984·10−3 9.584·10−3
ν1 ms−1 Maximum RyR (ryanodine) channel Ca2+ flux 1.800 1.656
KSR Scaling factor for Ca2+-ATPase 1.00 0.92
Khtrpn+ mM−1 s−1 Ca2+ on rate for troponin high-affinity sites 200 20
Kltrpn+ mM−1 s−1 Ca2+ on rate for troponin low-affinity sites 40 4

See glossary of Pandit’s model [17] for detailed explanation. All other model parameters are the same as those of endocardial myocyte in the Pandit’s model.