Figure 4. miR-365 directly targets the β-arrestin 2 3′-UTR.
(A) Activity of luciferase with the β-arrestin 2 3′-UTR or a deletion mutation in the 3′-UTR in HEK293T cells cotransfected with control microRNA or a miR-365 mimic (n = 3). Values are expressed as percentage of values of the control group, ***P < 0.001 by Student’s t test. Each experiment was performed in triplicate with the indicated number of samples. (B) Schematic representation of the miR-365 sequence and its target sequence within the β-arrestin 2 3′-UTR. The target sequence is well conserved among mammals. The seed sequence is indicated by bold letters, while the pairing sequence of miR-365 is in red bold letters. miR = microRNA, UTR = untranslated region, Del = deletion mutation.