Figure 3. SIRPα+ DC are increased in the 4 wk-old thymus and exhibit enhanced T cell stimulatory capacity.
Expression of (A) co-stimulatory and (B) MHC molecules by NOD newborn and 4 wk-old thymic DC; data ± SEM are the average of ≥4 separate experiments. (C) Frequency of NOD newborn and 4 wk-old thymic DC subsets (n=7 mice). (D) T cell stimulation by newborn versus 4 wk-old thymic DC subsets sorted from NOD mice, injected with 10 μg sBDC, and cultured with CFSE-labeled NOD.BDC CD4+ T cells; data ± SEM are the average of 12 separate samples. *p<0.05 (paired Student’s t-test).