Rate dependence of action potential duration. (A) Example AP signals from iCell Cardiomyocytes in response to field stimulation at 0.6, 1, 2, and 3 Hz. (B) Mean APD90 (±SEM, n = 10) data describing the rate dependence of APD90 based on recordings from Cor.4U (grey points) and iCell (green points) cardiomyocytes in response to the range of stimulation rates described above. The solid lines through the data are a best-fit single exponential fits to the data: APD = APD0 [1 − exp (DI/tau)], where APD0 is the APD at maximum diastolic interval (DI). (C) Normalization of APD90 values are shown in panel B relative to APDmax at the longest DI. Solid line is the best-fit exponential: APD = 1 − exp(DI/0.12). (D) Relationship between average (±SD) of APD90 and cycle length (CL) during stimulation (solid circles) and during spontaneous activity (open circles) in Cor.4U cells. The solid line is the best-fit double exponential function: APD90 = APD0 + A1.exp (CL − CL0)/tau1 + A2.exp (CL − CL0)/tau2; where APD0 = 1.28 s, CL0 = 0.007, A1 = −1.45, tau1 = 0.0013, A2 = −1069, tau2 = 0.021; r2 = 0.93, P < .01. (E) Relationship between average (±SD) of APD90 and CL during stimulation (solid circles) and during spontaneous activity (open circles) in iCell Cardiomyocytes. The solid line is the best-fit double exponential function: APD90 = APD0+A1.exp (CL − CL0)/tau1 + A2.exp (CL − CL0)/tau2; where APD0 = 0.745, CL0 = 0.780, A1 = −0.177, t1 = 0.0007;A2 = −404.9, tau2 = 0.0027; r2 = 0.95 P<.01. (F) Average baseline repolarization profile for the 2 cell types corrected for differences in spontaneous rates (mean ± SD).