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. 2016 Sep 13;5(11):e1232221. doi: 10.1080/2162402X.2016.1232221

Table 1.

Summary of the relative changes in pathways and gene groups between naive bone marrow neutrophils (BMN), non-treated tumor neutrophils (N2) and following TGFβ inhibition with SM16 (N1).

Neutrophil Function BMN N2 N1
Structural genes Cytoskeleton + +
    Actin polymerization ++ + ++
Response to stress TLRs + +/− +  
    Respiratory burst ++ +/− +/−
Granule Proteins Primary ++  
    Secondary ++
  Tertiary +++ ++ ++  
Vesicle formation Receptor-mediated phagocytosis +++ + +++  
    Endocytosis +/− +/− +/−
Apoptosis Whole group + + +  
    NFkB anti-apoptotic ++ +/− +/−
Inflammatory response Whole group ++ +++  
    Antigen processing and presentation ++ +++
    Cytokine activity ++ ++
    Chemokine activity +++ +++

Pathways and gene groups were evaluated by the Genomica software, KEGG, and manually from the literature. The data of each neutrophils function evaluated for each population of neutrophils is presented.

(−) Most genes in the pathway/group were at background levels.

(+/−) Some genes of the pathway/group were upregulated and other downregulated.

(+) A related pathway/group was upregulated (Genomica), or some (>10 %) of the genes in the group were upregulated (manually).

(++) A related pathway/group was upregulated (Genomica), and/or a significant portion (>30 %) of the genes in the group were upregulated (manually).

(+++) A prominent upregulation of genes in the group/pathway (>50 %) was noted.