Figure 1.
Simplified model for the merged scattering curves of untreated E. coli cells. The scattering curves were measured at the P12 BioSAXS (12.8 keV, PETRA III, Hamburg, Germany) and 15ID USAXS (17 keV, APS, Argonne, USA) beamlines. (a) Model of untreated E. coli using four populations of scatterers. The sizes of the scatterers match the sizes of major cellular components (proteins, DNA and ribosomes) and the outer shape. The outer shape was approximated as a cylinder with fixed aspect ratio and the internal components as spheres. (b) Volume distribution f(r) of the cellular components as a function of their radius. The solid line shows the volume distributions adjusted for the scattering contrasts (Table 1 ▸). The dotted line assumes |Δρ|2 = 1 for all scatterers. (c) Number distribution N(r), showing the occurrence of scatterers as a function of their radius. Again, the solid line is adjusted for the scattering contrasts (Table 1 ▸) and the dotted line assumes |Δρ|2 = 1 for all scatterers. (d) Illustration of the model, featuring a cylinder representing the outer bacterial shape and the major cellular components as spheres. The scale bar has a length of 20 nm.