Figure 3.
Mean ±SEM ratings for six visual analog scale items from 15 participants before and after product use over three sessions that differed by product; own brand (OB), loose-leaf tobacco vaporizer (LLTV), and an electronic cigarette (ECIG). “Intention to smoke a cigarette” from the QSU-Brief Factor 1 score (Figure 3a); “Urges to Smoke” from the Hughes-Hatsukami withdrawal scale (Figure 3b); “Lightheaded” from the Direct Effects of Nicotine scale (Figure 3c); “Was the product satisfying” (Figure 3d), “Did the product taste good” (Figure 3e), and “Did the product calm you down” (Figure 3f) from the Direct Effects of Product Use scale. No comparisons across time were conducted for figures 3d, 3e, or 3f, as these questions did not have a true baseline time point. In all other respects the figure is identical to Figure 1.