Complete genome sequence analysis of YFV strain CNYF01/2016. (A) A BRIG analysis of the YFV genome CNYF01/2016. The innermost (black) circle corresponds to the CNYF01/2016 complete genome of 10 823 bases in length obtained from the first imported case and used as a reference sequence (KU921608). The circles of seven colors radiating outward correspond to Angola71 (AY968064), Couma (DQ235229), Uganda48a (AY968065), BeH622493 (JF912188), Asibi (AY640589), BeH413820 (JF912181) and 85–82H (U54798). The cycle color saturation calculated by the BRIG software corresponds to the similarity of the sequences. A YFV reference sequence (NC_002031) was used for YFV coding gene annotation (out cycle). (B) Overview of the complete genome of the YFV strain CNYF01/2016 (GenBank accession NO KX268355). The genome consists of 10 825 nucleotides, with a 5′-UTR, a 3′-UTR, and a long open reading frame encoding for three structural proteins (capsid, premembrane/membrane and envelope) and seven non-structural proteins (NS1, NS2A, NS2B, NS3, NS4A, NS4B and NS5). The positions of the starting nucleotide of each gene, percentage of nucleotide identities and amino-acid mutations compared with the Angola71 YFV strain (GenBank accession NO AY968064) are indicated. BLAST Ring Image Generator, BRIG; untranslated region, UTR; yellow fever virus, YFV.