(a) 9 × 9 correlation matrix representing item-by-item pattern dissimilarity in the hippocampus for four separate experimental conditions. Each box corresponds to the specific item cue which is shown for visualization purposes. (b) Increased pattern dissimilarity in the bilateral hippocampus (MNI, left: peak at −33, −27 and −12; right: peak at 33, −36 and 0) for suppression of newly acquired compared with consolidated aversive memories, which is derived from inter-item multivoxel pattern dissimilarity analysis on the whole-brain level using a searchlight method. (c) Box plots reveal median (black line) multivoxel pattern dissimilarity in the bilateral hippocampus. Dots represent pattern dissimilarity for each participant. Error bars represent s.e.m. (d,e) Pattern dissimilarity in the anterior hippocampus was negatively predictive of DLPFC engagement in suppression of both newly acquired (cluster in hot) and consolidated (cluster in red) aversive memories. The cluster in green represents the overlapping area. Dashed lines indicate 95% confidence intervals, and solid lines indicate the best linear fit. *P<0.05; **P<0.01; Colour bar represents T values; a.u., arbitrary units; L, left; MNI, Montreal Neurological Institute coordinate system; R, right.