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. 2004 Jun;135(2):1100–1112. doi: 10.1104/pp.103.037770

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Map-based cloning of RPP27. Genetic map of RPP27 locus showing the molecular markers F12M16 and Nga280 that were initially used to define the mapping interval. cM, Centimorgan (A). B, The BAC contig spanning the RPP27 locus that was fine mapped with the markers shown above the bar. The numbers of recombinant individuals identified with the markers are shown below the bar. The black bar on the BAC clone F20D21 represents the Cf-like gene. C, This region was amplified from Ler-0, inserted into a binary vector to produce MT27, which was then introduced into Col-rpp7.1 plants. The cDNA was obtained and compared with genomic DNA to reveal the structure of the RPP27 gene. Untranslated regions are shown as gray, exons are shown as black, and introns are shown as white bars. D, Numbers below indicate the size of untranslated regions, exons, and introns.