Clarity or relevance |
Percentage of missing data; <10% missing data points considered within acceptable criteria |
Rasch modelling provides a measure of how difficult or easy an item is relative to the subject and used to assess the relevance of an item to that population | |
n/a | |
n/a | |
Response range |
Percentage scoring zeros or maximum scores; <80% floor (option score of zero endorsed) or ceiling effects (maximum option score endorsed) considered within acceptable criteria |
Aggregate frequency of pairs of adjacent options; aggregate frequency of >10% considered within acceptable criteria | |
n/a | |
Variability |
Frequency of option endorsement; <50% endorsement of one option considered within acceptable criteria |
| ||
| ||
Reproducibility |
Present data does not allow assessment of reliability; estimated by correlation of DID items with MADRS items that are assumed to assess the same construct; r>0.75 considered within acceptable criteria |
Inter-item correlation |
Inter-item correlations coefficients; r<0.75 considered within acceptable criteria |
Ability to detect change |
Present data does not allow assessment of change to therapy; estimated by correlation of DID items with MADRS items that are assumed to assess the same construct; r >0.75 considered within acceptable criteria |
Item discrimination |
Correlation of DID items with MADRS items that are assumed to assess the same construct; r >0.75 considered within acceptable criteria |
IRT used to determine relation to overall depressive severity (total MADRS score) | |
Redundancy |
Inter-item correlations coefficients; r<0.75 considered within acceptable criteria |
Recall period |
Not directly assessed; previous literature suggests that recall period is appropriate in this population |
Adapted from references #17 and #19
n/a: not available; PRO: patient reported outcome; DID: depression inventory development project; MADRS: Montgomery–Åsberg Depression Rating Scale; IRT: Item Reponse Theory