Figure 2. Inhibition of SD in slices with CNTF-activated astrocytes.
A. Representative DC recordings from LacZ preparations during 50 ms, 100 ms, and 200 ms KCl microinjections with 10 min intervals between stimuli. Recordings (R) were taken ~300 μm from the KCl injection site (S) as shown in bright field images in top corner of montages (B). B. Representative montage of 450 nm autofluorescence during the 100 ms KCl microinjection (shown electrically in A) from the LacZ preparation which resulted in the propagation of SD across the preparation beyond the field of view (~1300 μm). C. Representative DC recording from a CNTF preparation where KCl microinjections up to 200 ms in duration did not result in SD. D. Representative 450 nm autofluorescence recording during the 100 ms KCl microinjection from the CNTF preparation where the initial passive depolarization due to the exogenous KCl application occurred, but no propagating SD event. E. SD threshold determined with high K+ microinjections (1 M KCl). In LacZ slices SDs were induced in all preparations by the longest K+ microinjection (200 ms) (n=18/18). The same stimuli did not generate an SD in any CNTF preparations (n=0/18). F. Distance of the final tissue depolarization in CNTF preparations versus the initial passive depolarization due to the spread of exogenous K+. CNTF preparations showed no significant differences between the passive K+ depolarization (white triangles) and the final response (white boxes), providing further support for the lack of SD in CNTF preparations (n=12, dashed line represents the average distance of the view frame).