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. 2016 Jul 21;11(12):1942–1951. doi: 10.1093/scan/nsw093

Table 1.

Cluster size and associated peak values for the significant brain regions associated with feeling less and more confident during metacognition assessment. Only clusters with more than 10 voxels are reported.

Cluster size Peak P value Peak T value MNI coordinates
x y z
Less confident
    Left lingual gyrus 209 <0.001 14.92 −9 −75 −6
    Dorsal superior frontal gyrus 2288 <0.001 12.10 12 15 60
    Midcingulate gyrus <0.001 10.04 −3 24 39
    Right anterior superior frontal gyrus <0.001 9.87 24 54 27
    Right superior occipital gyrus 328 <0.001 9.58 42 −81 27
    Right superior parietal lobe <0.001 9.17 15 −63 54
    Left anterior superior frontal gyrus 256 <0.001 9.38 −24 51 21
    Left anterior insula 236 <0.001 8.41 −33 18 −12
    Left inferior frontal gyrus <0.001 7.03 −45 18 3
    Left orbitofrontal gyrus <0.001 5.01 −51 36 −9
    Right orbitofrontal gyrus 291 <0.001 8.28 51 24 −3
    Right orbitofrontal gyrus <0.001 6.10 45 39 −9
    Right orbitofrontal gyrus <0.001 6.03 33 21 −12
    Right supramarginal gyrus 30 <0.001 6.36 60 −48 30
    Left cerebellum 17 0.001 5.69 −33 −60 −30
More confident
    Right lingual gyrus 1937 <0.0001 20.31 12 −66 −3
    Right cuneus <0.0001 11.04 15 −81 33
    Left cuneus <0.0001 9.97 −6 −90 18
    Right Caudate 7715 <0.0001 12.96 12 12 −6
    Left Caudate <0.0001 12.57 −9 12 −3
    Left Postcentral gyrus <0.0001 12.10 −42 −27 60
    Left lingual gyrus 52 <0.0001 7.94 −9 −90 −12
    Left lingual gyrus <0.0001 5.90 −21 −87 −9
    Right anterior middle temporal gyrus 65 <0.0001 6.02 60 −3 −12
    Right posterior middle temporal gyrus 18 0.005 5.19 48 −66 9