Figure 3.
Stamen, style and ovary characters. (A) Hairs on the base of the stamens ‘present’; Style and ovary: (B) ‘red’ style, with no hairs on style—style hairs ‘NA’, ovary hairs are ‘dense’—ovary is not visible through the hairs—and glands are ‘absent’; (C) ‘red-green’ style, that is ‘hairy’, ovary hairs are ‘dense’, and glands are ‘absent’; (D) ‘green’ style, with ‘glandular’ hairs nearly to the top, ovary is ‘hairy’—green ovary visible, and ovary glands are ‘present’. (E) Close-up of the ovary in D, glandular hairs with red heads are clearly visible. (F) Measurements of ‘style length’—from the top of the ovary to the top of the stigma, and ‘distance anther stigma’—the distance from the top of the stigma to the closest anther, when projected onto the style. (G, H) Stigmas; the measurement ‘stigma width’ was always the widest point, as the shape is oval. (B, G) Typical of R. delavayi; (D, E, H) typical of R. irroratum.