Health and Community Service System for youth in OoHC in Victoria1. Legend - OYH: Orygen Youth Health Clinical Program; RCH IMYOS: Royal Children’s Hospital Intensive Mental Health Youth Outreach Service; YSAS: Youth Support and Advocacy Service; CMY: Centre for Multicultural Youth; CY & FS: Child, Youth and Family Services; CSOs: Community Support Organisations; VACCA: Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency. 1Specialist mental health services for young people aged 12-17 years in Victoria are provided by community-based state-funded mental health services [18]. Their contact with young people in OoHC and with the CSOs is typically ad hoc rather than organised systematically. Foundation House (the Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture and Trauma), the Centre for Multicultural Youth (CMY) and Take Two (state-provided psychological services for children and young people in OoHC) provide services relevant to some or all of these young people. They are consulting study partners. These organisations all interact with primary health care, hospital emergency and inpatient services, police, justice, education and vocational services. The Ripple intervention region is Melbourne’s North and West Metropolitan Health Region (NWMR). NMWR has a culturally diverse population of 1.7 million people, including 24% of Victoria’s Aboriginal people (0.58% of the region’s population). It comprises Melbourne’s central business district and inner, middle and outer urban areas. OYH, RCH IMYOS, and YSAS provide specialist mental health services for young people in this region. Four major CSOs in this region are study partners: Anglicare, MacKillop Family Services, Westcare and VACCA