Table 3.
Case (Sex/Age group at operation) | Other radiologic study | Interval to operation | Operative findings | Obstruction level | Procedure |
1 (M/I) | CT | 1 day | thin fibrotic band between ileal mesentery and cecum | ileum | SR |
2 (F/I) | CT | prompt surgery | thick band at mesenteric base extending to right upper abdominal wall multiple thin interloop bands | jejunum | BR |
3 (M/N) | US | prompt surgery | band from mesenteric root compressing ileum | volvulus of terminal ileum | SR |
4 (F/I) | Contrast barium enema | 2 months | fibrotic band at terminal ileum | ileum | SR |
5 (F/I) | CT | prompt surgery | fibrotic band at terminal ileum | volvulus of terminal ileum | SR |
6 (M/N) | Contrast barium enema | 1 days | fibrotic band between mesenteric root and distal ileum | ileum | SR |
7 (M/N) | - | prompt surgery | multiple thin interloop bands | volvulus of jejunum | SR |
8 (M/I) | - | 1 month | fibrotic band at terminal ileum | ileum | BR |
9 (M/C) | CT | 1 day | fibrotic band between mesenteric root and jejunum | jejunum | BR |
10 (F/C) | CT | prompt surgery | internal hernia due to fibrotic band between mesenteric root and distal ileum | Strangulation of ileum | SR |
I infant, N neonate, C childhood, CT computed tomography, US ultrasonography, SR segmental resection, BR band release