AlsS misregulation causes fermentation stress in QS mutants. (A) Cell viability of the HCD-locked strain (ΔluxO ΔaphA ΔhapR ΔvpsL; blue bar), the LCD-locked strain (luxOD61E ΔaphA ΔhapR ΔvpsL; red bar), and the HCD-locked strain carrying the ΔalsDSO deletion (black bar) at 72 h of growth under fermentative conditions. (B) Cell viability at 72 h of the HCD-locked strain (blue bar), the LCD-locked strain (red bar), and the LCD-locked strain harboring the als overexpression plasmids palsR (pink bar), palsDSO (orange bar), palsD (black bar), palsS (green bar), and palsO (purple bar). (C and D) Extracellular concentrations of selected metabolites of the LCD-locked strain (red bars) and the LCD-locked strain with palsS (black bars) grown under fermentative conditions. Millimolar concentrations are shown, and samples were taken at 19 h of growth. The values shown are averages of at least three replicates. Error bars denote the SEM. P values (Student’s t test): *, P < 0.05; ***, P < 0.001; ****, P < 0.0001. EV, empty vector.