Fig. 1.
PPADS and apyrase inhibit LPS-induced neutrophil migration in the mouse air pouch. The mice were injected iv with PBS (0.2 ml), P2 receptor antagonists (PPADS, suramin or RB-2; 200 μM in 0.2 ml) or apyrase (6 U in 0.2 ml) followed by sc injection of LPS (10 ng in 1 ml) in the air pouch. The accumulated cells were collected from the air pouches 4 h later and counted. The mean + SEM of at least five mice per group is shown. PPADS and apyrase abrogated neutrophil migration in LPS-treated mouse air pouches (*P < 0.005 vs. PBS). Suramin and RB-2 had no effect on this response.