FIG. 2.
(color online). Main plot: Plot of log10 probability vs log10 rank of the most frequent 103 states for a system of N = 200 nonidentical, conditionally independent spins [model (a)]. Plots are an average over 200 realizations of the quenched variables hi that break the symmetry between spins, with 5 × 105 samples taken for each realization. Parameters: hi ~ 𝒩(μ = 1, s = 0.3) and β ~ 𝒩(μ = 0, s = 2). The red line represents the least-squares fit to patterns 100–1000, slope of −1.012. Inset: Same as above, except for a model of N = 200 spins with quenched random interactions Jij and biases hi [model (b)]. An average over ten realizations of Jij and hi is chosen from Jij ~ 𝒩(μ = 1, s = 0.5), hi ~ 𝒩(μ = 1, s = 0.85), and β ~ 𝒩(μ = 0.5, s = 0.5), with 3 × 105 samples taken for each realization. The red line represents the least-squares fit to patterns 100–1000, slope of −1.011.