Agarose gel electrophoresis of mutagenesis reactions. Lane M: 1 kb DNA ladder standard (Fermentas). Lanes 1–4 use template pBAD-14D9: lane 1, DH101A*; lane 2, DH101A; lane 3, AL46T; and lane 4, FH98A. Lanes 5–8 use template pBAD-10F11: lane 5, WH104Y*; lane 6, WH104Y; lane 7, SH100A; and lane 8, LL101F. Lanes 9–11 use template pBAD-16E7: lane 9, DH50A; lane 10, EL39A; and lane 11, SH99A; lane 12, FH98A with template pQE-14D9ScFv; lane 13, FH98A with template pET-14D9ScFv-NusA; and lane 14, CMV.