Figure 2.
a, Diagrammatic representation of rat brain atlas sections through PPT (left) and LC (right) showing implantation of guide cannulae for microinjections into respective sites. b, c, Photomicrographs of representative histological hemisections of experimental rat brains through (b) PPT (neutral red stained) and (c) LC (TH antibody immunostained) aligned against corresponding rat brain atlas hemisection have been shown. Reconstructed microinjection on-target sites of NA into PPT (n = 5) have been shown (open circle) on the right half of the brain atlas hemisection (b). As the TH-shRNA was microinjected into the LC during surgery and the injector cannula was removed, it was extremely difficult to trace the extension of the cannula tract on the histological sections. Hence, we confirmed the microinjection site by identifying very few TH-positive neurons in the anatomical LC site (as marked). 4V, 4th ventricle; Aq-, aqueduct; DMTg, dorsomedial tegmental area; MnR, medial raphe nucleus; Pn, pontine nuclei; RIP, raphe interpositus nucleus; scp, superior cerebellar penducle.