Sensitivity and spontaneous movements as a function of the hair bundle's operating point. (A) Maximal (black symbols) and minimal (purple symbols) sensitivity |χ| as a function of the maximal motor force fmax for P0 = 0.1 (♦), 0.3 (▴), 0.4 (▪), 0.5 (•), 0.6 (□), 0.7 (▵), and 0.9 (⋄). The sensitivity displays a global maximum for fmax ≃ 439 pN and Po = 0.5. Responses of maximal sensitivity were obtained in response to small sinusoidal stimuli at the characteristic frequency of spontaneous bundle oscillation, whereas the minimal sensitivity was observed for intense stimuli (see Fig. 3). The ratio of maximal and minimal sensitivities determines the gain of the amplificatory mechanism. (B) Spectral density of spontaneous movements along the line Po = 0.5 for the different values of fmax indicated in red.