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. 2016 Dec 8;11:26. doi: 10.1186/s13021-016-0068-3

Table 2.

Information sources used for projecting net LULUCF emissions in national BAU and INDC scenarios, for the 95 countries whose INDCs explicitly state that the LULUCF sector is covered

LULUCF projections in both the BAU and INDC scenario are based on information from the INDC [1] LULUCF projections in the BAU are based on information from the National Communication [19]; in the INDC scenario, on information from the INDC LULUCF projections in both the BAU and INDC scenario are based on information from the National Communication LULUCF projections in both the BAU and INDC scenario are based on information from supporting documents
Central African Republica, Comoros, R of Congo, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Gabon, Madagascar, Mali, Senegal, Uganda Algeriaa, Angolaa, Australia, Benin, Boliviaa, Burundia, Cabo Verdea, Cambodiaa, Chinaa, Eritreaa, Ghanaa, Guyanaa, Haitia, Japana, Lesothoa, Malawia, Morocco, Namibiaa, Norwayb, Sudana, Uruguaya, Zambiaa Argentinaab, Afghanistanab, Antigua and Barbudaab, Armenia, Bahamasab, Azerbaijanab, Belizeab, Bhutanab, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brunei Darussalamab, Burkina Fasoab, Canadab, Chadab, Colombiab, Costa Ricab, Djiboutiab, Dominicaab, Dominican Republicab, Ecuadorb, El Salvadorab, Equatorial Guineaab, Grenadaab, Guatemalaab, Guinea Bissauab, Icelandab, Jordanb, Kazakhstanab, Kenyaab, Kiribatiab, Kyrgyzstanab,
Lao People’s Democratic Republicab, Lichtensteinab, Malaysia, Mauritaniaab, Mauritiusab, Mexico, Mozambiqueab, Myanmara, New Zealand, Niger, Nigeriaab, Papua New Guineaab, Paraguayab, Peru, Philippinesab, Rep. of Moldova, Russia, Rwanda, Saint Vincent and the Grenadinesab, San Marinoab, Sao Tome and Principeab, Serbiaab, Sierra Leoneab, Singaporeab, Solomon Islandsab, Somaliaab, South Sudanab, Sri Lankaab, Surinameab, Switzerland, Tajikistanab, Tanzaniaab, Togoab, Tunisia, Turkeyb, Ukraineb,
United States, Vanuatuab, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)ab, Vietnam
Brazil, Indiaa, Indonesia, South Africa
10 Parties 22 Parties 70 Parties 4 Parties

anet LULUCF emissions in the national BAU scenario is kept constant over time according to the most recent historically available reporting period

bNational INDC mitigation scenario is kept constant over time according to the most recent historically available reporting period