Effects of estrous cycle phase and sex on the levels of DOR-ir in the CA3 region. A. Low magnification photomicrograph shows DOR-ir is in the CA2 and CA3 regions from the dorsal hippocampus of a diestrus rat. Arrow indicated example of DOR-labeled neurons in stratum oriens. Box shows region of CA3b sampled for densitometry. B. Higher magnification of CA3b shows representative DOR-labeling from proestrus (PE) control and AIS females. The levels of DOR-ir were sampled in stratum radiatum (sr). pcl, pyramidal cell layer, slu, stratum lucidum, so, stratum oriens. Scale bars A = 100 μm; B = 100 μm. C and D. In control rats, the levels of DOR-ir were significantly elevated (a, c; p < 0.05) in CA3 stratum radiatum in diestrus (DE) rats compared to proestrus rats. C. AIS significantly decreased (*p < 0.05) the levels of DOR-ir in CA3 stratum radiatum in proestrus females and males. Following AIS, the levels of DOR-ir in diestrus rats were elevated compared to proestrus rats (b: p < 0.05). D. Following CIS, fluctuations in DOR-ir in CA3 stratum radiatum over the estrus cycle in females were not apparent and the levels of DOR-ir significantly increased (*p < 0.05) in proestrus females and significantly decreased (*p < 0.05) in diestrus females. N = 6 animals per group.