Fig. 7.
Sex differences in the distribution of DOR-SIG particles in GABAergic hilar dendrites following AIS. A–D. Representative electron micrographs show the distribution of DOR-SIG particles in GABA-labeled dendrites (GABA-D) from a control proestrus female (A) and control male (B) and AIS proestrus female (C) and AIS male (D). Examples of plasmalemmal (arrow with tail), near plasmalemmal (chevron) and cytoplasmic (arrow) DOR-SIG particles in dendrites are shown. After AIS, the density of near plasmalemmal DOR-SIG particles increases in males. T = terminal; uT = unlabeled terminal. Scale bars A, B = 500 nm. E, F. AIS did not significantly alter the density of DOR-SIG particles in any cellular compartment in GABA-labeled dendrites in either proestrus females or males. G. After AIS, the density of DOR-SIG particles significantly decreased (p < 0.05) near the plasmalemma of large GABA-labeled dendrites in proestrus females. H. After AIS, the near plasmalemmal density of DOR-SIG particles significantly increased (p < 0.05) in small GABA-labeled dendrites in males.