Table 7. Homology modeling parameters.
ZIKV target proteins | Template PDB ID (chain) | Description | Query Cover | E-Value | Positives | Maximum Identity |
E | 3G7T (A) | Crystal structure of dengue virus type 1 envelope protein | 99% | 1.00E-167 | 72% | 57% |
1UZG (A) | Crystal structure of dengue virus type 3 virus envelope protein | 99% | 2.00E-164 | 72% | 57% | |
4GSX (A) | Crystal structure of Japanese Encephalitis virus envelope protein | 100% | 3.00E-164 | 72% | 52% | |
2I69 (A) | Crystal structure of West Nile virus envelope glycoprotein | 100% | 3.00E-167 | 72% | 52% | |
NS3 | 2YOL (A) | West Nile virus NS2B-NS3 protease in complex with 3,4-dichloro-phenylacetyl-Lys-Lys-GCMA | 100% | 1.00E-73 | 81% | 70% |
2WV9 (A) | Crystal structure of the NS3 protease-helicase from Murray Valley encephalitis virus | 100% | 8.00E-65 | 80% | 66% | |
4R8T (B) | Structure of JEV protease | 90% | 1.00E-60 | 78% | 63% | |
NS5 | 2HFZ (A) | Crystal structure of RNA dependent RNA polymerase domain from West Nile virus | 95% | 0.00E + 00 | 84% | 72% |
4K6M (A) | Crystal structure of the full-length Japanese encephalitis virus NS5 | 100% | 0.00E + 00 | 82% | 70% | |
4V0Q (A) | Dengue virus full length NS5 complexed with SAH | 99% | 0.00E + 00 | 80% | 68% |