Fig. 1.
Casp6, Tau and Aβ pathologies are present in the AON of Olfactory Bulb from ROS study subjects. a Schematic diagram of the human olfactory bulb and its cell composition (adapted from Saiz-Sanchez D. et al., [49]). b Representative image of horizontal section of human olfactory bulb (OB) (bar scale = 1000 μm) stained for active Casp6 with higher magnification showing delineation of the AON (bar scale = 100 μm). c Representative images of negative and positive immunohistochemical staining of active Casp6, TauΔCasp6, PHF-1 and Aβ in the AON (bar = 50 μm). The square in the immunopositive AON panel has been magnified 4.5 fold