Table 3.
Hypertension burden and management in the PURE cohort, by country (ordered by 2006 GDP)
Participants | Hypertensive participants – Standard lower threshold a | |||||||||||||||
Country | Number | No. with Hypertension – Standard lower threshold a (%) [95%CI] |
No. with Hypertension – Alternative lower thresholda (%) [95%CI] |
No. Aware (%) [95%CI] |
No. Treated (%) [95%CI] |
No. Controlled (%) [95%CI] |
Canada | 10412 | 3908 | (37.5) | [35.3–39.8] | 4347 | (41.7) | [39.4–44.1] | 2157 | (55.2) | [53.3–57.0] | 2112 | (54.0) | [52.2–55.9] | 968 | (24.8) | [23.2–26.4] |
Sweden | 4150 | 1923 | (46.3) | [44.3–48.4] | 2008 | (48.4) | [46.1–50.6] | 696 | (36.2) | [32.0–40.6] | 608 | (31.6) | [26.8–36.8] | 169 | (8.8) | [7.5–10.3] |
UAE | 918 | 477 | (52.0) | [48.7–55.2] | 487 | (53.1) | [49.8–56.3] | 247 | (51.8) | [47.3–56.3] | 240 | (50.3) | [45.8–54.8] | 63 | (13.2) | [10.4–16.6] |
Saudi Arabia | 1729 | 515 | (29.8) | [27.1–32.6] | 546 | (31.6) | [29.0–34.3] | 319 | (61.9) | [56.8–66.9] | 309 | (60.0) | [55.2–64.6] | 169 | (32.8) | [28.5–37.5] |
Argentina | 7497 | 3809 | (50.8) | [49.1–52.5] | 4045 | (54.0) | [52.5–55.4] | 2073 | (54.4) | [51.7–57.2] | 1924 | (50.5) | [47.8–53.3] | 569 | (14.9) | [12.8–17.4] |
Brazil | 5581 | 2938 | (52.6) | [51.0–54.3] | 3096 | (55.5) | [54.2–56.7] | 1896 | (64.5) | [61.9–67.1] | 1838 | (62.6) | [60.0–65.1] | 685 | (23.3) | [21.7–25.0] |
Chile | 3270 | 1530 | (46.8) | [42.6–51.0] | 1664 | (50.9) | [46.5–55.2] | 890 | (58.2) | [53.8–62.4] | 798 | (52.2) | [46.6–57.6] | 332 | (21.7) | [18.0–25.9] |
Malaysia | 11825 | 5509 | (46.6) | [43.9–49.3] | 5894 | (49.8) | [47.3–52.3] | 2648 | (48.1) | [45.3–50.9] | 2272 | (41.2) | [38.1–44.5] | 690 | (12.5) | [10.9–14.3] |
Poland | 2029 | 1368 | (67.4) | [63.6–71.0] | 1412 | (69.6) | [65.7–73.2] | 739 | (54.0) | [35.0–71.9] | 706 | (51.6) | [33.4–69.4] | 151 | (11.0) | [5.4–21.1] |
South Africa | 3252 | 1857 | (57.1) | [45.4–68.1] | 1975 | (60.7) | [50.1–70.5] | 580 | (31.2) | [20.3–44.7] | 616 | (33.2) | [26.3–40.8] | 117 | (6.3) | [3.9–9.9] |
Turkey | 4060 | 1595 | (39.3) | [36.3–42.3] | 1770 | (43.6) | [40.6–46.6] | 910 | (57.1) | [53.1–60.9] | 808 | (50.7) | [46.6–54.8] | 330 | (20.7) | [16.9–25.0] |
China | 46751 | 19471 | (41.6) | [39.2–44.1] | 20367 | (43.6) | [41.2–46.0] | 8114 | (41.7) | [37.5–46.0] | 6557 | (33.7) | [29.3–38.4] | 1556 | (8.0) | [5.9–10.7] |
Philippines | 1671 | 855 | (51.2) | [43.3–59.0] | 891 | (53.3) | [45.2–61.3] | 466 | (54.5) | [29.1–77.8] | 394 | (46.1) | [21.0–73.3] | 115 | (13.5) | [3.8–37.7] |
Colombia | 7506 | 2817 | (37.5) | [35.7–39.4] | 3110 | (41.4) | [39.8–43.0] | 1461 | (51.9) | [48.7–55.0] | 1309 | (46.5) | [43.2–49.7] | 484 | (17.2) | [15.1–19.5] |
Iran | 6013 | 1598 | (26.6) | [23.6–29.8] | 1939 | (32.2) | [29.3–35.4] | 841 | (52.6) | [45.7–59.5] | 816 | (51.1) | [44.5–57.6] | 293 | (18.3) | [13.4–24.6] |
OPT | 1563 | 591 | (37.8) | [34.1–41.6] | 657 | (42.0) | [38.5–45.6] | 347 | (58.7) | [51.8–65.3] | 345 | (58.4) | [52.4–64.1] | 130 | (22.0) | [16.5–28.6] |
Bangladesh | 2747 | 1080 | (39.3) | [36.1–42.7] | 1154 | (42.0) | [38.7–45.4] | 261 | (24.2) | [20.3–28.5] | 174 | (16.1) | [13.1–19.7] | 43 | (4.0) | [2.6–6.0] |
India | 27458 | 8473 | (30.9) | [28.5–33.4] | 9443 | (34.4) | [31.7–37.2] | 3565 | (42.1) | [38.1–46.2] | 2843 | (33.6) | [29.9–37.4] | 1159 | (13.7) | [11.1–16.7] |
Pakistan | 1294 | 435 | (33.6) | [25.8–42.4] | 565 | (43.7) | [40.2–47.1] | 206 | (47.4) | [39.2–55.6] | 162 | (37.2) | [28.7–46.6] | 76 | (17.5) | [12.9–23.2] |
Zimbabwe | 822 | 453 | (55.1) | [37.0–72.0] | 515 | (62.7) | [44.8–77.6] | 223 | (49.2) | [31.3–67.4] | 119 | (26.3) | [17.1–38.0] | 36 | (7.9) | [4.9–12.6] |
Tanzania | 1071 | 410 | (38.3) | [34.7–42.0] | 439 | (41.0) | [37.1–45.0] | 45 | (11.0) | [7.4–15.9] | 12 | (2.9) | [2.0–4.3] | 2 | (0.5) | [0.1–1.7] |
Total | 151619 | 61612 | (40.6) | 66324 | (43.7) | 28684 | (46.6) | 24962 | (40.5) | 8137 | (13.2) |
OPT occupied Palestinian territory, UAE United Arab Emirates, SD standard deviation, CI confidence interval, GDP gross domestic product. Notes: aHypertension standard lower threshold definition: systolic blood pressure ≥140 mm Hg or diastolic blood pressure ≥90 mm Hg or who report currently taking medication; Hypertension alternative lower threshold: in addition to those under the standard lower threshold definition, also includes those who report having been diagnosed with hypertension by a health professional. Additional file 6 reports additional indicators using the higher threshold definition of hypertension