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. 2016 Dec 8;15:199. doi: 10.1186/s12939-016-0478-6

Table 3.

Hypertension burden and management in the PURE cohort, by country (ordered by 2006 GDP)

Participants Hypertensive participants – Standard lower threshold a
Country Number No. with Hypertension –
Standard lower threshold a (%) [95%CI]
No. with Hypertension –
Alternative lower thresholda (%) [95%CI]
No. Aware (%)
No. Treated (%)
No. Controlled (%)
Canada 10412 3908 (37.5) [35.3–39.8] 4347 (41.7) [39.4–44.1] 2157 (55.2) [53.3–57.0] 2112 (54.0) [52.2–55.9] 968 (24.8) [23.2–26.4]
Sweden 4150 1923 (46.3) [44.3–48.4] 2008 (48.4) [46.1–50.6] 696 (36.2) [32.0–40.6] 608 (31.6) [26.8–36.8] 169 (8.8) [7.5–10.3]
UAE 918 477 (52.0) [48.7–55.2] 487 (53.1) [49.8–56.3] 247 (51.8) [47.3–56.3] 240 (50.3) [45.8–54.8] 63 (13.2) [10.4–16.6]
Saudi Arabia 1729 515 (29.8) [27.1–32.6] 546 (31.6) [29.0–34.3] 319 (61.9) [56.8–66.9] 309 (60.0) [55.2–64.6] 169 (32.8) [28.5–37.5]
Argentina 7497 3809 (50.8) [49.1–52.5] 4045 (54.0) [52.5–55.4] 2073 (54.4) [51.7–57.2] 1924 (50.5) [47.8–53.3] 569 (14.9) [12.8–17.4]
Brazil 5581 2938 (52.6) [51.0–54.3] 3096 (55.5) [54.2–56.7] 1896 (64.5) [61.9–67.1] 1838 (62.6) [60.0–65.1] 685 (23.3) [21.7–25.0]
Chile 3270 1530 (46.8) [42.6–51.0] 1664 (50.9) [46.5–55.2] 890 (58.2) [53.8–62.4] 798 (52.2) [46.6–57.6] 332 (21.7) [18.0–25.9]
Malaysia 11825 5509 (46.6) [43.9–49.3] 5894 (49.8) [47.3–52.3] 2648 (48.1) [45.3–50.9] 2272 (41.2) [38.1–44.5] 690 (12.5) [10.9–14.3]
Poland 2029 1368 (67.4) [63.6–71.0] 1412 (69.6) [65.7–73.2] 739 (54.0) [35.0–71.9] 706 (51.6) [33.4–69.4] 151 (11.0) [5.4–21.1]
South Africa 3252 1857 (57.1) [45.4–68.1] 1975 (60.7) [50.1–70.5] 580 (31.2) [20.3–44.7] 616 (33.2) [26.3–40.8] 117 (6.3) [3.9–9.9]
Turkey 4060 1595 (39.3) [36.3–42.3] 1770 (43.6) [40.6–46.6] 910 (57.1) [53.1–60.9] 808 (50.7) [46.6–54.8] 330 (20.7) [16.9–25.0]
China 46751 19471 (41.6) [39.2–44.1] 20367 (43.6) [41.2–46.0] 8114 (41.7) [37.5–46.0] 6557 (33.7) [29.3–38.4] 1556 (8.0) [5.9–10.7]
Philippines 1671 855 (51.2) [43.3–59.0] 891 (53.3) [45.2–61.3] 466 (54.5) [29.1–77.8] 394 (46.1) [21.0–73.3] 115 (13.5) [3.8–37.7]
Colombia 7506 2817 (37.5) [35.7–39.4] 3110 (41.4) [39.8–43.0] 1461 (51.9) [48.7–55.0] 1309 (46.5) [43.2–49.7] 484 (17.2) [15.1–19.5]
Iran 6013 1598 (26.6) [23.6–29.8] 1939 (32.2) [29.3–35.4] 841 (52.6) [45.7–59.5] 816 (51.1) [44.5–57.6] 293 (18.3) [13.4–24.6]
OPT 1563 591 (37.8) [34.1–41.6] 657 (42.0) [38.5–45.6] 347 (58.7) [51.8–65.3] 345 (58.4) [52.4–64.1] 130 (22.0) [16.5–28.6]
Bangladesh 2747 1080 (39.3) [36.1–42.7] 1154 (42.0) [38.7–45.4] 261 (24.2) [20.3–28.5] 174 (16.1) [13.1–19.7] 43 (4.0) [2.6–6.0]
India 27458 8473 (30.9) [28.5–33.4] 9443 (34.4) [31.7–37.2] 3565 (42.1) [38.1–46.2] 2843 (33.6) [29.9–37.4] 1159 (13.7) [11.1–16.7]
Pakistan 1294 435 (33.6) [25.8–42.4] 565 (43.7) [40.2–47.1] 206 (47.4) [39.2–55.6] 162 (37.2) [28.7–46.6] 76 (17.5) [12.9–23.2]
Zimbabwe 822 453 (55.1) [37.0–72.0] 515 (62.7) [44.8–77.6] 223 (49.2) [31.3–67.4] 119 (26.3) [17.1–38.0] 36 (7.9) [4.9–12.6]
Tanzania 1071 410 (38.3) [34.7–42.0] 439 (41.0) [37.1–45.0] 45 (11.0) [7.4–15.9] 12 (2.9) [2.0–4.3] 2 (0.5) [0.1–1.7]
Total 151619 61612 (40.6) 66324 (43.7) 28684 (46.6) 24962 (40.5) 8137 (13.2)

OPT occupied Palestinian territory, UAE United Arab Emirates, SD standard deviation, CI confidence interval, GDP gross domestic product. Notes: aHypertension standard lower threshold definition: systolic blood pressure ≥140 mm Hg or diastolic blood pressure ≥90 mm Hg or who report currently taking medication; Hypertension alternative lower threshold: in addition to those under the standard lower threshold definition, also includes those who report having been diagnosed with hypertension by a health professional. Additional file 6 reports additional indicators using the higher threshold definition of hypertension